You are welcome to my personal blog. Thanks for dropping by.
Writer, singer, designer, organizer, ordained minister, --I am many things. I am artistic and creative, yet I can be systematic. I am intuitive, versatile and adventurous. I like reading, a lot. I am quite principled too.
Writer, singer, designer, organizer, ordained minister, --I am many things. I am artistic and creative, yet I can be systematic. I am intuitive, versatile and adventurous. I like reading, a lot. I am quite principled too.
I have a sole passion: to help people and enrich their lives. I tend do this with the many things I seem to have a natural aptitude for; like the arts, music, communications and administration.
Generally, I see things a bit differently, so I find myself challenging the status quo; in a good way though (laugh!) As a professional writer, it is not surprising that I put these thoughts on paper, and voilà, a blog!
I write about relationships, politics, fashion, health, personal development and nation building, among other things. On my home page, you can see my latest blog-post while the other top tabs lead to some interesting reads. I'll like to hear your comments, so feel free to drop them after reading.
I have two other blogs: Simplify Your English Blog, which gives tips on how to write and speak simple, correct and concise English Language; and Savvy Singles, a site with resources to unmarried people (and anyone that desires) to remain focused in their pursuit of a purposeful life.
I live in Lagos, Nigeria.
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