The Empowered Life: Review

Many people question the possibility of a life void of stress and hard labour. 'It exists!', so says Dr. Kayode Ijisesan in his new book titled The Empowered Life. This 243-paged work currently serves as my next-level textbook.

We live in a world where everyone has to work extremely hard to make headway in life. Long work hours, rivalry and competition, and high-risk business ventures are commonplace; yet only very few people get the chance to live a full, healthy and rounded life. Even so, such life isn't without costly personal sacrifices. The good news is that there is a kind of lifestyle that facilitates all-round growth and development without stress, hardship or painstaking labour. It is referred to as a lifestyle of the Blessing.

The Blessing is described as the ability or enablement to produce prosperity, success and power; a spiritual force or substance that propels someone to get high-level results in life. Dr. Kay. says the Blessing is like an invisible bank-account that has everything a person needs to live well --riches, health, goodwill from others, wisdom, creativity, you name it. It was given to man by God, but when man lost it, he began to experience stress and toil (i.e. the curse which is the opposite of the Blessing.) This explains why humans have had to struggle in one way or the other to get most of the good things of life.

In spite of mankind's failure to secure this propelling force called the Blessing, a new way has been created to recover the great loss. The Empowered Life explains this new way of recovery in great detail. It shows how God recreated a pathway for the Blessing-flow by forming a pact with man in which He (God) stands as the senior partner. It explains why the wrong mind-set can reduce the efficacy of the Blessing in our lives. Attitudes like strife, rivalry and weak character can compromise the effect of the Blessing and make a person get little returns even though he or she is working harder than others. The book also explains how these wrong attitudes can be corrected.
"Wrong attitudes or habits can form over time due to negative information and association. Such brainwash of the mind can be prevented or dealt with by the knowledge of the truth." 
page 113-114

The pact (or covenant) that God made with mankind demands very simple things. It requires that man should make certain lifestyle adjustments like serving faithfully, living a lifestyle of love and giving honour when it’s due. If these simple changes can become habits, a person would have successfully created the right atmosphere for the Blessing to do its work. 

The expression or manifestation of the of the force of the Blessing is individual in nature, thus, the experience of this empowering substance is personal; varying from person to person based on how much they are committed to apply these lifestyle changes. The Empowered Life is truly a manual for a stress-free life, just like God designed our lives to be.

Thou Shalt Get A Life!

There is nothing as attractive as a person with clean fitting clothes, well groomed hair, good shoes and etiquettes. Good looks is attractive; so is a good life. Life should be maximized --you know, lived to the best.
Some people act like they have a spare life hidden somewhere. Years have come and gone and I get more convinced that everyone should live as if they have only one life because in reality, they have just ONE (singular and irreplaceable) life! I recently started something for the unmarried people in my environment. If there's anything I believe they should know, it is the fact that they should get a life and not wait till they are married.

Eccl 3:5-8
The living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are they remembered. 6 Whatever they did in their lifetime—loving, hating, envying—is all long gone. They no longer play a part in anything here on earth. 7 So go ahead. Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this! 8 Wear fine clothes, with a splash of cologne! (NLT)

When God made man, the first thing He (God) did was to bless him. He said 'Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and have dominion..." Did you notice that all the words in the pronouncement are action words? When God empowers a person, He is giving the person a divine ability to accomplish certain tasks. The specifics of what to to might differ from person to person, but the Blessing remains an empowerment to DO something. The question you should ask yourself is if you are adding value to the society at this time of your life.

I have seen many people get frustrated in life. Many times, it's because they are not involved in something worthwhile. Idleness is bad for a married person, its much worse if you are single. It's like trying to catch someone who is falling when you are not standing properly yourself. Although it sounds too serious, 'Thou shalt get a Life' is an important 'commandment' to everyone who desires to be more than being a part of the fickle human cycle of life and death.

Many people are waiting to live the life of their dreams when they can start creating it. Our world has grown so much that it is possible to do something you love to do; as long as you desire to do it. It amazes me that many people want to be seen as wise and successful, yet they ignore the subtle nudges of their heart. They get an urge to encourage somebody, a nudge to pray, an inclination to go into a particular field of work, a desire to get close to someone or a feeling to volunteer in an organization, but they ignore it. Every time we override an innate desire to carry out certain tasks, we are overriding who we really are.

Getting  a life goes beyond being good at your job or succeeding business. It also means you should live the life you want, starting today. So I'd say to the ladies, get that degree if you really want it; buy that gadget if you can afford it.  If you like traveling --babe, GO ON VA-CA-TION! Guys, eat at that restaurant you've always wanted (even if it means going alone!). Just get going with yourself and live the life of your dreams. 

Thou must get a life today!

What I'll Tell My Daugther

I once asked God to show me His thoughts about women and their role in His plan for the world. His answer was concise  He said "Know we no man after the flesh!" Through the course of history, especially  in biblical documentations, God has skipped prevalent social norms to use people that aren't expected to be seen in the front-line.  Folks like Gideon, David, Deborah and Mary (mother of Jesus) stood firmly with God to bring His plan to manifestation in their generation regardless of societal expectations. Although the 21st century has experienced immense growth in it's several humanitarian endeavors, some aspects of our society have still needs improvement. One of such is the question if women should lead in certain circles.

Consequently, from now on we estimate and regard no one from a [purely] human point of view [in terms of natural standards of value]. [No] even though we once did estimate Christ from a human viewpoint and as a man, yet now [we have such knowledge of Him that] we know Him no longer [in terms of the flesh].

Because of this decision we don't evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don't look at him that way anymore.
(Message Translation)
2 Corinthians 5:16

Every time you analyse a person by his or her appearance, social standing, marital status or age, you just did something in the flesh, even if its what the society demands. No minister will say spirit-woman or spirit-girl --it is outrightly not scriptural. When  God sees humans, He is looking at their spirit. He is not seeing man or  woman, rather He asking "Who shall I send?" 

In many societies, a married woman stands a better chance in ministry and leadership than a single lady. However if you find yourself with visions and a peculiar grace  as a single person, should you look for a husband first? God's delight is in a believer that desires be used whether male or female, single or married. Scripture says God isn't a respecter of persons (Romans 2:11), so isn't the anointing. All through the Bible, God has manifested His power through people who have made themselves available to him.

The Word says marriage is honorable; I believe it is. The power of agreement is amazing in the midst of two believing friends; its even greater with marriage partners. So, should you desire to get married? Yes you should! Until you do, only one thing  matters in the unmarried phase of your life --your account to God about what He has deposited in you. People respect results, get the ones God has anointed you to get; don't wait till you are married before you are respected.

Male and female is complementary, not polarity. Many people think of men and women as word and opposite. This gender issue is not about polarity, its a question of purpose and function. Would you say a table is the opposite of a chair? Or is a pen the rival of paper?  Try seating on a table everyday, it wont take long to know why God gave man the inspiration to create a chair. Does it mean that a chair is of more importance than a table? Well, writers know better. Every man and every woman is valuable in the sight of God, each uniquely crafted for a  reason --no rivalry, no competition.

Greatness comes in different shapes and sizes, just as the world's greatest people come from different places. You dont' need to be male or female to be used to bless nations; God only uses those who are willing and available. He doesn't decide destiny by gender; He decides physical form only after planning what you will do for Him with your life. Don't bother about what the world expects you to do, find out what God wants you to do and go all the way with Him.

Who Brings Bad Times?

"When my heart is overwhelmed, take me to the rock that is higher than I"  
Psalm 62

I checked out the meaning of the word ‘overwhelm’. I wanted to know what the sentence was really saying. The word means to overpower, to bury beneath a mass of something such as floodwaters or an avalanche, to load or heap with an overpowering or excessive amount of anything.
It seemed to describe me; I was overwhelmed with pain. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I cried out to God one day. I threw a fist at him and said, “I’m too young to be in this situation, don’t leave me alone like this!” Almost immediately, I felt someone sit beside me on the bed I was lying on, in my room. I actually saw a small place in the mattress sink a little bit, only that there was no one actually sitting, at least no one I could see. Then I heard a whisper, the person was stroking my hair as these words were coming at me “Don’t worry, its going to be alright. Don’t worry, I am with you in this, and it will soon be over.”
I discovered later that I was battling with depression. Sometimes the causes are unknown, but for me I knew what led to it – the bulk of it was the unwillingness to let go. I had unpleasant experiences in my young life, and I was unwilling to forgive anyone, including God (I felt God had offended me too!).
God dealt with me later in life about unpleasant emotional events. He said to me one day, “The human soul was not created to carry pain or any negative emotion for that matter. It was created as a guide and a source of inspiration and direction. Whatever anyone does to you, you must deal with it and let it go.”
I realized that what happened to me then was a denouement, a climax of several events, including some that weren’t significant, but they were all still stuck in my memory. When it was over, I realized that the devil, who caused every of those events, decided to use it to torture me. And God wasn't watching me go through pain without doing anything about it; instead, He was holding me together, waiting for me to surrender all to Him.
Are you battling with pain, anger or bitterness? Or are you disillusioned with no one to trust. Hand over the feelings to God and watch Him take you to a place of love and liberty that you've never been . Don't let the devil win, you are a victor and not the victim he wants you to believe. Rise Today!

When I Almost Lost It

When we experience pain or hurt, our initial reaction is usually to try to find a way to get it out of our minds. We don’t want to remember it, so we try to numb the unpleasant feeling. I once read about a drunk who was asked why he is always drunk. He replied that it’s because he wants to forget his troubles. I thought that was rather foolish, as the troubles are still there when the effect of the alcohol has worn out. 

I have found out that the humane way out of trouble is to run from it. Unfortunately, the problem is still there after whatever we do.  I woke up one morning to realize that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be in life. I had done everything right or at least done most things right (as much as I could) but it seems there wasn’t much good in doing the right things.
I was born into a Christian family; both my parents were ministers so I grew up being the good girl in the neighborhood. No alcohol (even when I had several opportunities to drink it,) no having relationships that would compromise my values . I even cut off from my friends who had abortions – I remembered my father’s words, “Evil communication corrupts good manners.” I faced my studies, and only I got involved in extra-curricular activities that could help me intellectually.
All of a sudden, things began to fall apart. It was like everything I touched immediately turned to dust.  It seemed like I was failing at everything. Here was I, the same intelligent young girl whose test scripts were often photocopied by departmental colleagues to study for exams, now couldn’t even think straight.
I was angry at everyone, I was angry with God. I was gradually being buried with disappointments the same way an avalanche would bury a human being along its path. The more I thought about the various fiascos that led to my let-downs, the more I sunk into a deep and dark hollow, going for days without saying more than "hello" to anyone. I can remember an elderly man looking at me and saying “Iyinoluwa, you are confused. I seriously think so!”
I was felt really down and sad. Folks around me kept asking, “What’s wrong?” “You seem disoriented and disorganized, are you fine?” I gave the reply we always have handy “I’m fine.” Deep inside, I knew I wasn’t fine at all. I knew if I continued like that, I would not only become disillusioned about life, I probably would loose my mind. I was wondering what to do when someone shared this scripture with me: “When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” (Psalm 61:2)
(To be continued in the next post)