What I'll Tell My Daugther

I once asked God to show me His thoughts about women and their role in His plan for the world. His answer was concise  He said "Know we no man after the flesh!" Through the course of history, especially  in biblical documentations, God has skipped prevalent social norms to use people that aren't expected to be seen in the front-line.  Folks like Gideon, David, Deborah and Mary (mother of Jesus) stood firmly with God to bring His plan to manifestation in their generation regardless of societal expectations. Although the 21st century has experienced immense growth in it's several humanitarian endeavors, some aspects of our society have still needs improvement. One of such is the question if women should lead in certain circles.

Consequently, from now on we estimate and regard no one from a [purely] human point of view [in terms of natural standards of value]. [No] even though we once did estimate Christ from a human viewpoint and as a man, yet now [we have such knowledge of Him that] we know Him no longer [in terms of the flesh].

Because of this decision we don't evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don't look at him that way anymore.
(Message Translation)
2 Corinthians 5:16

Every time you analyse a person by his or her appearance, social standing, marital status or age, you just did something in the flesh, even if its what the society demands. No minister will say spirit-woman or spirit-girl --it is outrightly not scriptural. When  God sees humans, He is looking at their spirit. He is not seeing man or  woman, rather He asking "Who shall I send?" 

In many societies, a married woman stands a better chance in ministry and leadership than a single lady. However if you find yourself with visions and a peculiar grace  as a single person, should you look for a husband first? God's delight is in a believer that desires be used whether male or female, single or married. Scripture says God isn't a respecter of persons (Romans 2:11), so isn't the anointing. All through the Bible, God has manifested His power through people who have made themselves available to him.

The Word says marriage is honorable; I believe it is. The power of agreement is amazing in the midst of two believing friends; its even greater with marriage partners. So, should you desire to get married? Yes you should! Until you do, only one thing  matters in the unmarried phase of your life --your account to God about what He has deposited in you. People respect results, get the ones God has anointed you to get; don't wait till you are married before you are respected.

Male and female is complementary, not polarity. Many people think of men and women as word and opposite. This gender issue is not about polarity, its a question of purpose and function. Would you say a table is the opposite of a chair? Or is a pen the rival of paper?  Try seating on a table everyday, it wont take long to know why God gave man the inspiration to create a chair. Does it mean that a chair is of more importance than a table? Well, writers know better. Every man and every woman is valuable in the sight of God, each uniquely crafted for a  reason --no rivalry, no competition.

Greatness comes in different shapes and sizes, just as the world's greatest people come from different places. You dont' need to be male or female to be used to bless nations; God only uses those who are willing and available. He doesn't decide destiny by gender; He decides physical form only after planning what you will do for Him with your life. Don't bother about what the world expects you to do, find out what God wants you to do and go all the way with Him.

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