Learning to Be at Peace with Yourself

No human being likes to be ignored. Bonuses, prizes, award and medals are symbols of success and everyone wants them. However, only a few people seem to stand out, and when they do, they become demigods. They receive accolades and praises while the rest of the crowds feel disregarded and unloved. What then is the measure of true success? Is it possible to be truly happy without eulogies from people around? What really brings peace of mind?

The best thing that ever happened to my self-esteem is when I heard these words in my spirit, "Do not define yourself by your title, position or the people you know." In the quest to be loved and respected, most people have made enormous sacrifices which have led to greater losses. Many would do anything to have and keep having money, power and fame. Somewhere in the world right now, someone is making a costly mistake just to feel loved –a woman accepts maltreatment because she wants to keep her man; an employee changes figures to make more money; and a government official goes to great lengths to make sure he remains in power. Admiration makes you feel good, but at what cost?

Can power bring peace? Ask Cuban revolution leader, Fidel Castro or check the life of Adolf Hitler. No need to mention well-loved celebrities and pop stars who died in pitiable situations. Money alone cannot bring happiness because you constantly have to think about how to keep it –and that, dear reader, is enough stress. History is yet to record someone who became truly happy by solely pursuing money, power or fame. The things that really matter in life cannot be bought, loaned or borrowed; like happiness and peace –it’s either you have them or you don’t.

A bitter or unhappy person is quite difficult to get along with, either as a partner, colleague, or friend. Those who love them have to make conscious and consistent efforts to keep them happy. It does not take long to find out that the source of bitterness can be dealt with, but these unhappy people do not have the courage or will-power to do so. Joy cannot stay in this kind of environment because it does not have roots there.

When someone pays you a compliment for something you have done, you feel good; but if the same person says something negative to you shortly after, bad feelings set in immediately. This means that the elation we feel when we are recognized or appreciated can be deceivingly temporary. Therefore, we must never define ourselves by the things we have or do not have; neither should our identity be in the people we know.

You can be at peace with yourself, regardless of external circumstances you find yourself. This is because good feelings only come from inside out.  A person who loves you may turn his or her affection to someone else, and a stream of income can dry up. Fans and supporters will go after a while, and in the end, the only person who will stick with you, is you! What will you do then, if you do not like your eyes and nose?
Fortunately, you can be happy with where you are in life even though you have bigger plans. You may find yourself in unwanted situations but a deep-seated knowledge that God will make everything turn out right in the end will put strength in you. Take pleasure in who you are and where you are going by truly and deeply enjoying your life. Remember that you have just one life to live, there’s no spare!

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